ACAT FOIA Repository 200

Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 200, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1998
Page(s): 14
Document Title: Field Work Scoping Meeting Agenda, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC, Montgomery Watson

Document Summary:
This meeting summary and agenda discusses a meeting held between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, Alaska Department of Conservation, and Montgomery Watson about the Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The conclusions reached during the meeting formed the basis of fieldwork planned at Northeast Cape for the summer of 1998. According to the sumary, high levels of DRO, GRO, and TRPH have been found in subsurface soils. These contaminats stem from leaked fuel from USTs, ASTs, filling operations, and broken fuel lines on the fill pad of the main operations complex.


ACAT/EDGI FOIA, November 2023


Chambers, Mark, Gretchen Gehrke, Pam Miller, Chris Sellers, Jessica Varner, and Vi Waghiyi, "ACAT FOIA Repository 200," ACAT/EDGI FOIA Repository, Alaska: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative and Alaska Community Action on Toxics, 2023.

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