Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 236, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2022
Page(s): 94
Document Title: Northeast Cape Health Consultation
Agency/Organization: ATSDR
Document Summary:
This health consultation was conducted by ATSDR in response to a request by the Native Village of Savoonga (NVS) to investigate human exposure to chemicals at Northeast Cape, identify health impacts, and propose necessary actions to limit exposure. ATSDR used data from various governmental and nongovernmental sources to investigate possible exposures from traditional practices. They found that eating fish, berries, and ingesting soil from Northeast Cape are not likely to cause negative health impacts, but recommended various practices to limit any exposure. They also found little evidence that exposures from Northeast Cape are contributing to cancer and birth defect rates in the area.
ACAT/EDGI FOIA, November 2023
Chambers, Mark, Gretchen Gehrke, Pam Miller, Chris Sellers, Jessica Varner, and Vi Waghiyi, "ACAT FOIA Repository 236," ACAT/EDGI FOIA Repository, Alaska: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative and Alaska Community Action on Toxics, 2023.