ACAT FOIA Repository 288

Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 288, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2012
Page(s): 10
Document Title: Aaron Shewman Visual Inspection Checklist (Post-Closure) Site 7 Landfill, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Aaron Shewman

Document Summary:
This 2012 visual inspection checklist at Northeast Cape completed by Aaron Shewman details the state of many post-closure monitoring areas at the Site 7 Landfill. The checklist includes observations of erosion, water pooling, vegetation, odors, and more at two different spots near the landfill, as well as various photos of the site. Observations include evidence of water pooling and revegetation.


ACAT/EDGI FOIA, November 2023


Chambers, Mark, Gretchen Gehrke, Pam Miller, Chris Sellers, Jessica Varner, and Vi Waghiyi, "ACAT FOIA Repository 288," ACAT/EDGI FOIA Repository, Alaska: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative and Alaska Community Action on Toxics, 2023.

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