ACAT FOIA Repository 310

Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 310, Date Received November 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 4
Document Title: Letter to Gambell President Detailing Government-to-Government Consultation Details and Not Placing Northeast Cape on the National Priorities List
Agency/Organization: EPA, ADEC, USACE

Document Summary:
This letter from the EPA to the Senior President of the Native Village of Gambell details concerns raised by the Tribe regarding cleanup at the Northeast Cape FUDS. Concerns include the timeliness of cleanup, Tribal involvement in the cleanup process, and placing the site on the National Priorities List. Importantly, the EPA says that they do not plan oon adding the site to the National Priorities List, but will make an effort to improve communications between Tribal governments, USACE, and ADEC.


ACAT/EDGI FOIA, November 2023


Chambers, Mark, Gretchen Gehrke, Pam Miller, Chris Sellers, Jessica Varner, and Vi Waghiyi, "ACAT FOIA Repository 310," ACAT/EDGI FOIA Repository, Alaska: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative and Alaska Community Action on Toxics, 2023.

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