ACAT FOIA Repository 1

Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 8, Date Received July 2023
Year: December 1992
Pages: 96
Document Title: Inventory Report for Gambell Formerly Used Defense Site
Agency/Organization: US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Ecology and Environment, Inc.

Document Summary:
This inventory documents materials deemed eligible for either investigation or cleanup under the present Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) at formerly used defense sites in the vicinity of Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Previous investigations performed at Gambell in 1985 and 1986 by URS Corporation identified 13 sites that potentially qualified for investigation or cleanup under a previous DERP program. Five additional sites were identified following a site reconnaissance and interviews performed by Ecology and Environment, Inc., (E & E) in 1991 and 1992 with Gambell residents who were present during the Department of Defense occupation. Fifteen of the 18 sites contain significant amounts of material eligible for either investigation or cleanup under DERP guidelines.




Chambers, Mark, Gretchen Gehrke, Pam Miller, Chris Sellers, Jessica Varner, and Vi Waghiyi, "ACAT FOIA Repository 1," ACAT/EDGI FOIA Repository, Alaska: Environmental Data & Governance Initiative and Alaska Community Action on Toxics, 2023.