Community-Led FOIA
UPLOADED 13 August 2024Community-led FOIA is a process led by people within communities who are primarily knowledgeable about and accountable to their communities. Community members (or their representatives) ask questions, and those questions are directed (by community members or their advocates) to the proper government agencies to get answers. Community-led processes reflect and represent the lived experiences, values, perspectives, and voices of community constituencies. The method aims for transparency and full accountability to communities. Community-led research is self-determining, not influenced by government, industry, or donors. Obtaining community-led FOIA information is one step. The follow-up should include full transparency, education, and information sharing, advocacy, and monitoring of policies. Find here a PDF resource to know more.
ACAT FOIA Repository 1
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 8, Date Received July 2023
Year: December 1992
Pages: 96
Document Title: Inventory Report for Gambell Formerly Used Defense Site
Agency/Organization: US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Ecology and Environment, Inc.
Document Summary:
This inventory documents materials deemed eligible for either investigation or cleanup under the present Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) at formerly used defense sites in the vicinity of Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Previous investigations performed at Gambell in 1985 and 1986 by URS Corporation identified 13 sites that potentially qualified for investigation or cleanup under a previous DERP program. Five additional sites were identified following a site reconnaissance and interviews performed by Ecology and Environment, Inc., (E & E) in 1991 and 1992 with Gambell residents who were present during the Department of Defense occupation. Fifteen of the 18 sites contain significant amounts of material eligible for either investigation or cleanup under DERP guidelines. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 2
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 9, Date Received July 2023
Year: February 1993
Pages: 173
Document Title: Chemical Data Acquisition Plan, Site Inventory Update for Gambell
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Ecology and Environment, Inc.
Document Summary:
The chemical data acquisition plan (CDAP) provides a plan, and chemical testing to determine potential contamination attributable to the military can be determined. The conclusion: "There are 3 known OEW burial locations at this site: Site 2 - the former military housing/operations site; Site 8 - West Beach; and Site 15 - Troutman Lake Ordnance burial site." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 3
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 15, Date Received July 2023
Year: January 1995
Pages: 1133
Document Title: Final Remedial Investigation for Gambell
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This report presents the results of Remedial Investigation (RI) studies performed at eighteen sites near the village of Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 4
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 16, Date Received July 2023
Year: November 6, 1995
Pages: 45
Document Title: Phase II Remedial Investigation, Remedial Action Alternatives
Technical Memorandum
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
The purpose of this Remedial Action Alternatives Technical Memorandum is to identify areas where a collection of additional data is desired to refine the extent of contamination and identify areas where presumptive remedies or interim removal actions will eliminate areas of concern. This Technical Memorandum addresses only those sites that were retained for further evaluation based on the 1994 RI sampling results. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 5
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 5, Date Received July 2023
Year: December 1997
Pages: 344
Document Title: Final Investigation of Geophysical Anomaly Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson (contractor from Anchorage of the U.S. Department of Defense)
Document Summary:
The report is a contracted request by the US Army Engineer District, Alaska (Alaska District), for Montgomery Watson to investigate a geophysical anomaly reported to be buried transformers located near the only active drinking water supply in the village of Gambell, Sivaquq (St. Lawrence Island, Alaska). The report includes local training, meetings, lab results, and final work done: "The field investigation summarized in this report demonstrated that the geophysical anomalies noted in earlier investigations at Site 5 were caused by non-hazardous metallic debris consisting of cable, empty drums used for tramway anchor points, and Quonset hut roofing material. An intact military-type battery was also found. No transformers were found at the investigated geophysical anomalies or in a supplementary metal detection scan of the area. All debris from Site 5 (with the exception of deeply buried non-hazardous anchor points) was removed from the island. Three transformers within the drainage area of the village water supply were also removed." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 6
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 6, Date Received July 2023
Year: December 23, 1998
Pages: 123
Document Title: Final Phase II Remedial Investigation
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This report presents the results of the Phase II Remedial Investigation (RI) performed at the Gambell Site, during July and August 1996. Five sites were included in Phase II: North Beach (1), Former Military Housing (2), Former Communications Site (3), Sevuokuk Mountain (4), and Former Tramway Site (5). A summary of remediations is included. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 7
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 19, Date Received July 2023
Year: March 26, 1999
Pages: 268
Document Title: Remedial Investigation, Site 5, Gambell, Groundwater Sampling
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
The objective of this round of groundwater sampling was to determine if hydrocarbons might be present in the potable water system in Gambell. The scope of work consisted of collecting and analyzing water samples from the four monitoring wells (MW) constructed in 1998 and two samples from the village water well. In summary, DRO, RRO, GRO, and BTEX were a non-detect (ND). The Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) contaminant level was below the ADEC Drinking Water Regulation. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 8
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 1, Received July 2023
Year: September 2000
Pages: 62
Document Title: Gambell Sites, GIS-Based Historical Time Sequence Analysis (Historical Photographic Analysis)
Agency/Organization: USACE Engineer Research and Development Center and Topographic Engineering Center
Document Summary:
Report of historical aerial photograph analysis (from the 1950s to the 1990s), historical maps, and ancillary data/documents for the 2,542-acre FUDS sites around Gambell, looking at possible disturbed grounds for toxic burial/disposal sites. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 9
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 2, Date Received July 2023
Year: December 2000
Pages: 130
Document Title: Final Strategic Project Implementation Plan
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson (contractor from Anchorage of the U.S. Department of Defense)
Document Summary:
The Native Village of Gambell (IRA) entered into a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense (DoD) under the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP). This agreement includes the development of a Strategic Project Implementation Plan (SPIP). The report includes community knowledge in a survey about toxics at Gambell. Includes an Appendix with a Geophysical Report from Golder Associates, August 2000, asbestos survey, and cost estimations for toxics removal. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 10
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 10,
Date Received July 2023
Year: September 2001
Pages: 220
Document Title: Work Plan, 2001 Supplemental Remedial Investigation
Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
The report documents the work plan for further study of some sites at Gambell. New information warranted the investigation. New information about sites at Gambell comes primarily from three sources. The first source of new information is a document entitled "GIS-Based Historical Time Sequence Analysis" (HTSA), completed in September 2000 by the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center (TEC). The HTSA combined information from historical aerial photographs and other documents with current aerial maps of the Gambell area and identified previously unknown locations of past military equipment and operations. The second source of new information is the Strategic Project Implementation Plan (SPIP) prepared by Montgomery Watson in December 2000. The SPIP included a questionnaire completed by Gambell residents to identify potentially contaminated areas not identified in previous investigations; many such sites were identified and investigated via geophysical surveys in 1999. The third source of new information is a report of remedial actions performed by Oil Spill Consultants, Inc. (OSCI,) during the summer of 1999. Samples collected to confirm that contaminated soils had been removed indicated that contamination may remain at several sites. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 11
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 11, Date Received July 2023
Year: November 2001
Pages: 816
Document Title: Final Remedial Action Report for Debris Removal and Containerized Hazardous Waste and Toxic Waste Removal
Agency/Organization: Oil Spill Consultants, Inc.
Document Summary:
On June 30, 1998, the U .S . Army Engineer District, Alaska (USAEDA) contracted Oil Spill Consultants, Inc . (OSCI) to remove and dispose of metal debris, containerized hazardous and toxic waste ( HTW), and contaminated soil located at Gambell, Alaska. The report details the 45 days of work (completed mostly by local citizens). The work completed included HTW Removal (Approximately 26.8 tons of HTW (battery, parts, dried paint, drums, and transformer carcasses) were collected from five locations at the project site; Metal Debris. Based on field weights, 142,234 pounds of metal debris consisting of runway matting, cable, fuel tanks, and equipment parts were removed from sites identified by USAEDA; Contaminated Soil. Workers using picks and shovels excavated 52 tons of contaminated soil from Sevuokuk Mountain; Stained Soil. A total of 20 tons of petroleum-stained soil were excavated from several sites at Gambell. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 12
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 12, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2003
Pages: 15
Document Title: Public meeting slides and notes for Proposed Remedial Action Plan for Gambell
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
PowerPoint slides and a few notes with community questions for the Proposed Remedial Action Plan in July 2004; also includes a few notes from an earlier meeting in 2003. Slides focus on a handful of sites that will require excavation or other work. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 13
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 13, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 74
Document Title: Feasibility Study: Gambell, St Lawrence Island, Alaska
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Feasibility Study for Gambell, form letter inviting feedback, and three comments on the F.S. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 14
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 14 Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 3
Document Title: USACE response to ADEC initial comments on proposed plan
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation; US Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
USACE responses to ADEC Jeff Brownlee's brief comments on the proposed remedial action plan for Gambell. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 15
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 15, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 4
Document Title: ADEC review comments and USACE responses on Gambell proposed plan
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation; US Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
ADEC Jeff Brownlee comments and specific USACE responses for the proposed remedial action plan for Gambell. One comment of interest is that ADEC suggests that elevated As levels represent high background concentrations, and elevated Cr levels were anomalous. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 16
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 16, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 42
Document Title: Proposed Plan for Remedial Action: Gambell Formerly Used Defense Site
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Describes sites, results of their surveys, and preferred remedial actions -
ACAT FOIA Repository 17
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 17, Date Received July 2023
Year: July 21-22, 2004
Pages: 26
Document Title: US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska) Gambell FUDS Site Trip Report
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
A team from the Alaska District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (the District or the Corps) traveled to Nome, Alaska, and the Village of Gambell on St. Lawrence Island to conduct a site visit, hold a public meeting, distribute ordnance posters/pamphlets, conduct oversight for the ongoing Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP) project, collect a groundwater sample, and move the Nome Information Repository to a new location. The objectives of the July 2004 trip included ongoing community relations activities, a public meeting to discuss the Proposed Plan for Remedial Action in Gambell (FUDS), a site visit for the remedial design engineer, distribution of ordnance safety posters/pamphlets, and collection of a potential fuel free product sample from groundwater near the washeteria, and oversight of the ongoing NALEMP debris excavation activities. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 18
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 18, Date Received July 2023
Year: August 25 2004
Pages: 3
Document Title: Memo and testing results of fuel spill (and disputed cause)
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Memo and testing results of fuel spill (and disputed cause), noted at too fresh for military contamination. Blaming the city for the spill. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 19
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 19, Date Received July 2023
Year: August 25, 2004
Pages: 4
Document Title: ERP-52 Site l 8 Gambell RIFS, Product Sampling
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Zymax Forensics
Document Summary:
Fuel Sample test from Site-18, characterized as "artic diesel." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 20
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 20, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 3
Document Title: Comments by Vi Waghiyi on Proposed Plan for Remedial Action
Environmental Health Justice Project
Document Summary:
Pubic comments including detailed questions about whether sampling designs and numbers of samples are sufficient. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 21
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 21, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 2
Document Title: Comments by Pam Miller on Proposed Plan for Remedial Action
Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Document Summary:
The public comment indicates the USACE plan does not address community concerns, arsenic, and other contaminants have elevated concentrations, and there has not been adequate sampling and plan for remediation. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 22
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 22, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 1
Document Title: Comments by Ron Scrudato on Proposed Plan for Remedial Action
State University of New York at Oswego
Document Summary:
Public comment discusses the complex hydrology of Gambell and, thus, the challenges in environmental characterization and recommends a robust monitoring program. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 23
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 23, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 2
Document Title: Comments by Morgan Apatiki on Proposed Plan for Remedial Action
Gambell community members
Document Summary:
Public comment indicates the sites were not appropriately characterized, and eyewitness observations identify remaining contamination -
ACAT FOIA Repository 24
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 24, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 4
Document Title: Draft Record of Decision Comments by ADEC
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Comments by Jeff Brownlee on the draft Record of Decision document for Gambell. The most encompassing comment is to address the lack of community support for the No Further Action decision at most sites. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 25
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 25, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2004
Pages: 8
Document Title: Response by USACE Alaska District to ADEC comments on Draft Record of Decision
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska); Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
Response by Alaska District to ADEC's comments on the Draft Record of Decision document. Response document dated next day after ADEC comments were submitted. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 26
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 26, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2005
Pages: 2
Document Title: Fact Sheet: Decision Document for Gambell FUDS
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Duplicate of ACAT FOIA Repository 25. "There were no significant changes between the Preferred Alternative that was submitted for public comment in the Proposed Plan and the Selected Remedy" except further investigation into Site 5. For contamination/concerns that didn't meet FUDS eligibility requirements, USACE recommends using the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP). -
ACAT FOIA Repository 27
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 27, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2005
Pages: 89
Document Title: Decision Document: Gambell Formerly Used Defense Site F10AK0696
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Decision Document for Gambell FUDS. Only 3 of 28+ sites were determined to require additional cleanup, and since those included the removal of contaminated soil and debris off the island, it was decided that no follow-up testing was necessary. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 28
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 28, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2005
Pages: 4
Document Title: Fact Sheet: Decision Document for Gambell FUDS
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
"There were no significant changes between the Preferred Alternative that was submitted for public comment in the Proposed Plan and the Selected Remedy" except further investigation into Site 5. For contamination/concerns that didn't meet FUDS eligibility requirements, USACE recommends using the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP). -
ACAT FOIA Repository 29
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 29, Date Received July 2023
Year: August 2-4, 2005
Pages: 21
Document Title: Trip Report. Gambell FUDS and NALEMP Site Visit
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Lisa Geist (EN-EE) and Carey Cossaboom (PM-C-FUDS) from the Alaska District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (the District or the Corps) traveled to the Village of Gambell to conduct a site visit, hold a public briefing, and provide oversight for the ongoing Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP) project. The primary objective of the August 2005 trip was a public briefing regarding the signed Decision Document for performing the final remedial actions in Gambell under the FUDS program. A second objective of the trip was to perform ongoing oversight of the NALEMP debris excavation activities being conducted by the Native Village of Gambell IRA. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 30
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 30
Year: September 15-17, 2005
Date Received: July 2023
Pages: 25
Document Title:
Trip Report. Gambell FUDS and NALEMP Site Visit
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Lisa Geist (EN-EE) and Carey Cossaboom (PM-C-FUDS) from the Alaska District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (the District or the Corps), and Janesse Brewer of The Keystone Group (meeting facilitator) traveled to Nome, Alaska, and the Village of Gambell to attend a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Meeting. The trip also included conducting a site visit, and providing oversight for the ongoing Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP) project. The primary objective of the September 2005 trip was to attend the St. Lawrence Island RAB Meeting. A second objective of the trip was to perform ongoing oversight of the NALEMP debris excavation activities being conducted by the Native Village of Gambell IRA. A third objective of the trip was to investigate reported buried debris or ammunition near the base of Sevuokuk Mountain with Mr. Winnie James, Sr. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 31
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 31, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2005
Pages: 1
Document Title: Comments by ADEC on Gambell FUDS Remedial Action project Rev 0 planning documents
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska); Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
Letter from Jeff Brownlee to Carey Cossaboom acknowledging receipt of the Rev 0 planning documents for the Gambell FUDS Remedial Action project and listing a handful of minor comments. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 32
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 32, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2005
Pages: 15
Document Title: Response by Bristol Construction Services to ACED comments on Rev 0 planning documents for Gambell FUDS Remedial Action project
Bristol Construction Services; Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
Responses by Bristol Construction Services to the ACED's comments (corrected version) on BCS' Rev 0 planning documents for the Gambell FUDS Remedial Action project. Most responses accept suggested changes, with the exception of a couple regarding the number of monitoring wells and chromium concentration. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 33
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 33, Date Received July 2023
Year: January 4, 2006
Pages: 1
Document Title: Memo reviewing the Groundwater Monitoring Report
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska) to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
Comments on the Gambell Groundwater Monitoring Report December 2005. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 34
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 34, Date Received July 2023
Year: June 2006
Pages: 5
Document Title: Memo: Environmental Compliance Status, 2006 FUDS and NALEMP Activities at Gambell
NEPA Planner
Document Summary:
The memorandum summarizes the environmental compliance review and NEPA status of the FUDS and NALEMP environmental cleanup activities planned in and around Gambell for the summer of 2006. The memo also includes a letter asking about the impacts on Essential Fish Habitats. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 35
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 35, Date Received July 2023
Year: July 2007 (Revised from August 2006)
Pages: 1424
Document Title: Gambell FUDS Remedial Investigation, August 2006 Groundwater Sampling Report
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), Bristol Construction
Document Summary:
This Groundwater Monitoring Report documents groundwater sampling performed three times during 2005-2006. By sampling in different months, groundwater monitoring was planned to coincide with both high and low water events. This report discusses the third of three groundwater sampling events. Groundwater sampling was performed by Bristol Construction Services, LLC (Bristol), in Gambell, Alaska, in August 2006. Field activities were conducted on August 16 and 17, 2006. The primary objective of the groundwater sampling was to monitor the concentrations of target analytes in the area adjacent to the City of Gambell’s water supply (Site 5), groundwater depths, and flow direction. Gambell’s water is supplied by a single infiltration gallery, located approximately 2,000 feet east of the townsite, at the base of Sevuokuk Mountain. Water derived from the gallery is considered to be surface-influenced and potentially susceptible to contamination. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 36
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 36, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2007
Pages: 2
Document Title: Comments by ADEC on Site 5 Decision Document
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska); Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
Comments by Jeff Brownlee on the Site 5 Decision Document. Comments are largely related to specific wording and typos. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 37
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 37, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2007
Pages: 3
Document Title: Form letter to RAB about Site 5 testing
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Form letter follow-up testing at Gambell Site 5 showing no contamination about ADEC limits; also a list of recipients of the letter. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 38
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 38, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2008
Pages: 3
Document Title: Form letter to leaders of RAB about Site 5 Decision Document
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
A letter stating the final Site 5 Decision Document had been sent -
ACAT FOIA Repository 39
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 39, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2008
Pages: 3
Document Title: Form letter to RAB members about Site 5 Decision Document
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Letter stating the final Site 5 Decision Document had been sent -
ACAT FOIA Repository 40
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 40, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2008
Pages: 5
Document Title: Form letters to RAB leaders and members about the Site 5 Decision Document
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Combination of letters in ACAT FOIA Repository 26 and 27 -
ACAT FOIA Repository 41
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 41, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2008
Pages: 31
Document Title: Technical Memorandum plan to decommission monitoring wells
Bristol Environmental Remediation Services; US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Technical memorandum from Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (Matthew Faust) to US Army Corps of Engineers (Carey Cossaboom) about decommissioning the 21 monitoring wells at Gambell. BERS will remove the well casing and fill the borehole with bentonite. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 42
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 42, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2008
Pages: 22
Document Title: Project Closeout Report
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
The Project Closeout Report for the FUDS Hazardous Toxic and Radioactive Waste project at Gambell, including edits to a paragraph describing the military's use of the site, corrected by Sivuqaq Inc. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 43
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 43, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2008
Pages: 21
Document Title: Technical Memorandum results from decommissioning monitoring wells
Bristol Environmental Remediation Services; US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Document Summary:
Technical memorandum from Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (Matthew Faust) to US Army Corps of Engineers (Carey Cossaboom) with results from decommissioning wells. BERS and their sub-contractor Native Village of Gambell, were able to locate and decommission 17 of the reported 21 monitoring wells. The other four were not found. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 44
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 44, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2008
Pages: 3
Document Title: Form letter to RAB regarding Gambell FUDS technical memos
US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska)
Form letter to the Restoration Advisory Board members about archiving two technical reports regarding monitoring well decommissioning at the Gambell FUDS. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 45
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 5, Date Received July 2023
Year: January 28, 2009
Pages: 2
Document Title: Memo: Project Closeout Report for Gambell Comments and Questions
Agency/Organization: FUDS Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
Memo from Jerald Reichlin (Fortier & Mikko, P.C.) to Carey Cossaboom, FUDS Project Manager, after Sivuqaq Inc. reviewed the Closeout Report requesting changes or asking for further information. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 46
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 46, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2009
Pages: 2
Document Title: Edited paragraph in Project Closeout Report
US Army Corps of Engineers; Sivuqaq Inc
Document Summary:
A letter including edits to a paragraph describing the military's use of the site, corrected by Sivuqaq Inc. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 47
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 47, Date Received July 2023
Year: 2009
Pages: 12
Document Title: Communications between EPA Region 10 and USACE regarding ACAT and Tribal concerns
Environmental Protection Agency Region 10; US Army Corps of Engineers; Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Document Summary:
A letter from the EPA Region 10 Administrator to the Alaska district commander of the US Army Corps of Engineers asking questions based on ACAT's concerns about the extent of clean up and future monitoring at Gambell and the Northeast Cape, the response from the USACE, and the letter from ACAT to the EPA detailing the concerns. The EPA letter mentions that EPA's 2002 decision not to list Gambell on the NPL depended on USACE's planned remediation since the evaluation and cleanup under NPL would not be substantially different from that under FUDS. USACE states that, with the exception of two issues to be addressed in 2010 and 2011 and long-term drinking water contamination at one site that will not be addressed, Gambell is considered fully remediated. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 48
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 48, Date Received July 2023
Year: March 23, 2010
Pages: 8
Document Title: Memo: To ACAT from US EPA Region 10 Administrator, Dennis J. McLerran
Agency/Organization: US EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Response to a request on November 11, 2009, on cleanup actions and the request for NPL status of the Northeast Cape site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 49
UPLOADED 15 August 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 49, Date Received July 2023
Year: February 14, 2013
Pages: 24
Document Title: Memo: To Valerie Palmer, USACE Alaska, from EPA Region 10, Richard Albright, Director, Office of Environmental Cleanup
Agency/Organization: US Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska), EPA Region 10, Office of Environmental Cleanup
Document Summary:
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10’s Evaluation of Army Corps of Engineers Cleanup of Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) at NE Cape and Gambell. Significantly it states the NPL issue, "After reviewing the information, EPA also assessed how the cleanup would have been performed if the site had been a formal Superfund Site. EPA’s conclusion is that generally the approach would not be significantly different." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 50
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 50, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1985
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Memo on Initial Site Visit to Northeast Cape and Gambell
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Memo within EPA Alaska Office regarding an initial site visit to take photos and note spill sites etc at the former military bases at Northeast Cape and Gambell, which were now listed as Defense Environmental Restoration Project (DERP) sites. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 51
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 51, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1985
Page(s): 9
Document Title: EPA Potential Hazardous Waste Site Preliminary Assessment for Gambell
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Preliminary Assessment form indicating suspected and/or confirmed contamination across multiple media; set as medium priority for inspection. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 52
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 52, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1986
Page(s): 2
Document Title: EPA Potential Hazardous Waste Site Disposition for Gambell
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Form indicating sampling and analyses to be done to help determine the extent of contaminated soil after the initial Environmental Assessment. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 53
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 53, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1986
Page(s): 2
Document Title: EPA Potential Hazardous Waste Site Disposition for Gambell
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Form indicating sampling and analyses to be done to help determine the extent of contaminated soil after the initial Environmental Assessment. By Jacques Gusmano. It appears to be the typed version of the same document from December 1986 (ACAT FOIA Repository 52). -
ACAT FOIA Repository 54
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 54, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1989
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Site Inspection Notes for Anvil Mountain
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Site inspection notes for Anvil Mountain. The same watchman for the Anvil Mountain site was the watchman for the Northeast Cape site and shared the knowledge that the only wastes on the site were PCBs and oils and that they had been cleaned up. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 55
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 55, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1991
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Letter from EPA to PRC Environmental Management
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Letter from EPA to the contractor company PRC Environmental Management stating the current work assignment, including HRS scores on a handful of sites, including the White Alice site at Northeast Cape. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 56
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 56, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1992
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Letter from EPA to PRC Environmental Management
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Letter from EPA to the contractor company PRC Environmental Management requesting they complete preliminary HRS scores on a handful of sites, including the White Alice site at Northeast Cape. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 57
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 57, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1992
Page(s): 2
Document Title: EPA Potential Hazardous Waste Site Disposition for Northeast Cape
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Potential Hazardous Waste Site Disposition states that it was determined that the Northeast Cape site did not score high enough to be included on the National Priorities List. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 58
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 58, Date Received November 2023
Year: 1992
Page(s): 1
Document Title: EPA Potential Hazardous Waste Site Assessment Form for Northeast Cape
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Potential Hazardous Waste Site Assessment Form for Northeast Cape that simply says, "For more information regarding this site, see Federal Facilities Docket Files." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 59
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 59, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2000
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Field Notes by EPA R10
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Very brief field notes by Mark Ader noting that there is likely contamination by former military activities. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 60
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 60, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2001
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Correspondence from EPA R10 to Senator Stevens
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Senator Ted Stevens regarding being in touch with the lawyer representing the Village of Savoonga and explaining the status of the EPA assessment of the Northeast Cape cleanup plans and progress. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 61
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 61, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2001
Page(s): 4
Document Title: Correspondence from EPA R10 to Senator Stevens
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Fritz Waghiyi (President of Savoonga) with a summary of an earlier meeting. The EPA listed the RAB's concerns and noted that EPA was in the process of determining whether or not to list the Northeast Cape on the National Priorities List (NPL). -
ACAT FOIA Repository 62
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 62, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2001
Page(s): 3
Document Title: Correspondence from EPA R10 to Soonagrook
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Gerald Soonagrook (President of Gambell) with a summary of an earlier meeting. EPA listed the RAB's concerns and noted that EPA was in the process of determining whether or not to list the Northeast Cape on the National Priorities List (NPL). -
ACAT FOIA Repository 63
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 63, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2001
Page(s): 3
Document Title: Correspondence from EPA R10 to Soonagrook
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Gerald Soonagrook (President of Gambell) with a summary of an earlier meeting. EPA listed the RAB's concerns and noted that EPA was in the process of determining whether or not to list the Northeast Cape on the National Priorities List (NPL). Identical to ACAT FOIA Repository 62. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 64
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 64, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Correspondence EPA R10 to Waghiyi
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Fritz Waghiyi (President of Savoonga) to ask for formal government-to-government meetings in advance of deciding whether or not to list the Northeast Cap on the NPL. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 65
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 65, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Correspondence EPA R10 to Soonagrook
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Gerald Soonagrook, Sr (President of Gambell) to ask for formal government-to-government meetings in advance of deciding whether or not to list the Northeast Cap on the NPL. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 66
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 66, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2002
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Correspondence from EPA R10 to Waghiyi
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Fritz Waghiyi (President of Savoonga) with a brief update regarding EPA's assessment of whether or not to list the Northeast Cape on the NPL. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 67
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 67, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2002
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Data Entry Form Corrections for Northeast Cape
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
Data entry form corrections to more clearly identify the location and nearest community of Savoonga. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 68
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 68, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2002
Page(s): 4
Document Title: Correspondence and Decision from EPA R10 to Waghiyi
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Fritz Waghiyi (President of Savoonga) explaining the EPA decision to not list the Northeast Cape on the National Priorities List (NPL). The decision reflects EPA's assessment that the clean-up process and final result would not be significantly different from what the Corps was doing to remediate the site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 69
UPLOADED 29 December 2023Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 69, Date Received November 2023
Year: 2002
Page(s): 4
Document Title: Correspondence and Decision from EPA R10 to Soonagrook
Agency/Organization: EPA Region 10
Document Summary:
EPA correspondence to Gerald Soonagrook Sr (President of Gambell) explaining the EPA decision to not list the Northeast Cape on the National Priorities List (NPL). The decision reflects EPA's assessment that the clean-up process and final result would not be significantly different from what the Corps was doing to remediate the site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 70
UPLOADED 19 September 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 70, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1985
Page(s): 72
Document Title: Defense Environmental Restoration Account Final Environmental Assessment City of Gambell and Northeast Cape, St Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE Alaska District, URS Corporation
Document Summary:
This document is part of a three-volume set developed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, to implement the cleanup of former military sites in the City of Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The three volumes, each representing a major task, are organized as follows: VI Land Ownership Report, Field Inspection Safety Plan, Debris/Materials Inventory, P.O.L. & Hazardous Material Inventory, Demolition/Disposal Strategies Report, Design Analysis, Field Inspection Notes. VII: Environmental Assessment, VIII: Technical Specifications, Engineering Cost Estimate, Design Review Conference Notes, Engineering Plans. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 71
UPLOADED 04 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 71, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1985
Page(s): 36
Document Title: Defense Environmental Restoration Account, Preliminary Reconnaissance: Surface & Subsurface Water Sampling Gambell, Alaska, City of Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE Alaska District, URS Corporation
Document Summary:
This document supplements the three-volume set previously developed by URS Corporation for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. This document addresses the laboratory test results from a preliminary site reconnaissance conducted for subsurface and surface water quality in Gambell, Alaska. The sampling focuses on five sites and was conducted to provide preliminary information concerning potentially hazardous water contaminants that might be associated with former military activities. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 72
UPLOADED 09 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 72, Date Received February 2024
Year: March 1986
Pages: 139
Document Title: Defense Environmental Restoration Account, Sampling Plan, City of Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE Alaska District, URS Corporation
Document Summary:
This document, developed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, addresses the preparation of a sampling plan for former military sites in the the City of Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska to provide information concerning potential hazardous materials at the sites. Among the items addressed in the sampling plan are: Project objectives; Background information concerning the sites; Survey methods, including sampling locations, procedures, analytical requirements, and quality control; personnel and equipment requirements; and chain-of-custody procedures. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 73
UPLOADED 09 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 73, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1986
Page(s): 116
Document Title: Site Inventory, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE Alaska District, Ecology and Environment, Inc.
Document Summary:
This inventory, prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District (Douglas Blaisdell), documents materials eligible for investigation or cleanup at former military sites in Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The goal of the inventory is to impelment future remediation activities at all eligible former military sites without requiring extensive design phase investigations. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 74
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 74, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1994
Pages: 111
Document Title: Chemical Quality Assurance Report, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson, NET Pacific, ARDL, Inc.
Document Summary:
This chemical quality assurance report presents the results of water and soil sampling completed by Montgomery Watson to determine the extent of chemical contamination on Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 75
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 75, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1994
Page(s): 8
Document Title: Site Inspection Report Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Environmental Safety and Health of Alaska (ESHA), USACE Alaska District, NW EnviroService
Document Summary:
This site inspection report completed by the Environmental Safety and Health Alaska (Martin H. Finkel) details potential hazards at the Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska site. The report discusses general site hazards, specific area hazards, hazardous chemicals identified on-site, and control methods. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 76
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 76, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1995
Page(s): 4
Document Title: Final Report, HTW Removal At NE Cape St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Northwest Enviroservice, USACE
Document Summary:
This report is a contracted request by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, for Northwest Enviroservice to remove and dispose of the Hazardous and Toxic Waste (HTW) from the former military faciliated at Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The report details the 28 days of work in which the following HTW was removed from the site: 537.5 gal. of PCB contamined oil; 15,685 lbs. of PCB contaminated transformers and switches; 1204.875 gal. of ignitable liquids; 200 lbs. of corrosives; 323 lbs. of oxidizers; and 902 lbs. of PCB contamined soil and debris. Several large steel drums were not disposed of and remain at the site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 77
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 77, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2011
Page(s): 521
Document Title: Background Arsenic Sampling Technical Memorandum
Agency/Organization: USACE, Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (BERS)
Document Summary:
This technical memorandum from Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (Molly Welker) to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Carey Cossaboom) details results from the July 2011 background sampling of arsenic near site 21 on Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The memorandum recommends further excavation at the site in areas above the cleanup level as the sampling indicated that excavation results are above the background arsenic level. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 78
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 78, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2011
Page(s): 521
Document Title: Background Arsenic Sampling Technical Memorandum
Agency/Organization: USACE, Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (BERS)
Document Summary:
This technical memorandum from Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (Molly Welker) to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Carey Cossaboom) details results from the July 2011 background sampling of arsenic near site 21 on Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The memorandum recommends further excavation at the site in areas above the cleanup level as the sampling indicated that excavation results are above the background arsenic level. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 79
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 79, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2012
Page(s): 364
Document Title: Northeast Cape HTRW Final Remedial Action Report, Northeast Cape, Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (BERS)
Document Summary:
This report is a contracted request by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, for Bristol Environmental Remediation Services (BERS) to remove and dispose of metal debris, roofing tar, and contaminated soil located at the Northeast Cape Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. BERS also prepared a hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste (HTRW) Remedial Action Report, monitored groundwater in nine monitoring wells, and delineated the extent of the sediment and soil contamination at the site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 80
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 80, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1995
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Beauchamp Letter to ACED Adler
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This U.S. Army Engineering District, Alaska letter (Suzanne Beauchamp) to the Alaska Department of Conservation (Clint Adler) explains how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to handle the Investigative-Derived Waste (IDW) generated during the 1994 Remedial Investigations (IR) at Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 81
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 81, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1995
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Beauchamp Letter to ACED Adler
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This U.S. Army Engineering District, Alaska letter (Suzanne Beauchamp) to the Alaska Department of Conservation (Clint Adler) recaps a meeting about the Investigative-Derived Waste (IDW) Handling Plan for Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The IDW Handling Plan will leave on site any soil with diesel range organics (DRO) over 8,760 mg/kg. At Gambell, 23 superstacks were left at ten different sites to be handled. At Northeast Cape, 21 superstacks were left at 11 different sites to be handled. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 82
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 82, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1996
Page(s): 1
Document Title: USACE Progress Report Letter, Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE
Document Summary:
This letter from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Manager (Robert B. Sanders) to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Remedial Project Manager (Larry Tucker) mentions three attachments: 1) A St. Lawrence Progress Report on the Gambell and Northeast Cape projects; 2) a copy of the Responsivness Summary from the community of Savoonga; and 3) a copy of the Administrative Record Index.The attachments are not provided with the letter. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 83
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 83, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1996
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Memorandum DERP-FUDS, Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE
Document Summary:
This memorandum from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Manager (Robert B. Sanders) informs the recipients (the Commanders of the North Pacific Divison, Missouri River Divison, and Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine) that the draft reports of the Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Gambell, and the Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, are enclosed. The U.S. Army Corps of engineers requests comments on the two reports, and informs the recipients that a review conference will be held on January 10, 1997. The two draft reports are not included with the memorandum. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 84
UPLOADED 10 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 84, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1996
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Remedial Investigation Letter to ADEC (Kalu Kalu), Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Manager (Robert B. Sanders) to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (Kalu Kalu) informs the recipient that two draft Remedial Investigation/Feasibility studies for Gambell and Northeast Cape are enclosed, and requests Mr. Kalu's technical review and comment. The reports are not included with the letter. Several community members are copied on the letter. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 85
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 85, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1996
Page(s): 1
Document Title: USACE Remedial Investigation Letter to ADEC (Dennis Harwood), Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Manager (Suzanne Beauchamp) to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (Dennis Harwood) informs that two draft Remedial Investigation/Feasibility studies for Gambell and Northeast Cape are enclosed.The reports are not included with the letter. The letter informs Mr. Harwood that Ms. Tamar Stephens of ADEC requested that the two enclosed drafts be sent to Mr. Harwood. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 86
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 86, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1996
Page(s): 1
Document Title: USACE Remedial Investigation Letter to ADEC (Linda Himmelbauer), Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Manager (Suzanne Beauchamp) to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (Linda Himmelbauer) informs that two draft Remedial Investigation/Feasibility studies for Gambell and Northeast Cape. The two draft reports are not included. The letter informs Ms. Himmelbauer that Ms. Tamar Stephens of ADEC requested that the two enclosed drafts be sent to Ms. Harwood. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 87
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 87, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1997
Page(s): 5
Document Title: ADEC Comments on Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
The enclosed letter faxed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers includes the Alaska Department of Conservation's comments on the Northeast Cape Remedial Investigation portion of the Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study. ADEC's two major concerns for the study are as follows: 1) the sites are not adequately characterized and requests a summary of the findings at each respective site, and 2) the study draws "broad qualitative conclusions" without sufficient evidence to back up those conclusions. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 88
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 88, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1997
Page(s): 23
Document Title: ADEC Comments on Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter includes comments from Alaska Department of Conservation Environmental Specialist (Katarina Rutkowsi) on the Risk Assessment Sections of the Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for Northeast Cape, Alaska. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 89
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 89, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1997
Page(s): 8
Document Title: Montgomery Watson Benchmark Criteria Letter to USACE, Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson, USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from Montgomery Watson to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers encloses two tables detailing the toxins benchmark criteria to use as a reference in the Remedial Investigation for the Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska projects. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 90
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 90, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1998
Page(s): 1
Document Title: ADEC Savoonga Meeting Email
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This email from the Alaska Department of Conservation (Katarina Rutkowsi) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Suzanne Beauchamp and Richard Jackson) provides comments and questions ahead of two community meeting presentations in Savoonga and Gambell. Katarina requests that the following topics be included in the upcoming public presentations: species of fish in the streams before the spill; future plans for Northeast Cape; and level of input for future work. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 91
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 91, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1998
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Request for Review and Comment Work Plan, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska District (Richard Jackson), to the Alaska Department of Conservation (Katarina Rutkowski) requests review and comment of the Work Plan, 1998 Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 92
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 92, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1998
Page(s): 1
Document Title: ADEC Water Quality Standards Email, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This email from the Alaska Department of Conservation (Katarina Rutkowski) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) summarizes an August 16, 2024 teleconference in which the USACE determined it will not take surface water samples located within or adjacent to the contaminated sites. ADEC indicates that demonstrating compliance with water quality standards is required. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 93
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 93, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 4
Document Title: USACE Northeast Cape Historic Properties MOA, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Islanda, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Document Summary:
This letter from the Alaska District Corps of Engineers (Suzanne Beauchamp) informs the Advisory Council of Historic Preservation (Alan Stanfill) of adverse effects to historic properties on Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The USACE will undertake environmental restoration activities including the demolition of buildings and proposes photodocumentation, architectural data recording, as-builts, and public history documentation to mitigate these adverse effects. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 94
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 94, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 3
Document Title: USACE Pre-Final Phase II Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska District (Suzanne Beauchamp) requests the Alaska Department of Conservation's (Jeff Brownlee) review and comment for a report describing results of the Remedial Field Investigation and field activities performed at FUDS on Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 95
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 95, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 5
Document Title: ADEC Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Review, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: ADEC, USACE
Document Summary:
This letter from the Alaska Department of Conservation (unnamed signator) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Suzanne Beauchamp) includes comments and review of the Pre-Final Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Among ADEC's comments are concern for potential interference with soil remediation. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 96
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 96, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Montgomery Watson Sampling Plan Technical Memo, Gambell and Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Montogomery Watson, USACE
Document Summary:
This Montgomery Watson Technical Memorandum (Gary Busse) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers summarizes Savoonga and Gambell community input about biological sampling activities planned for the Gambell and Northeast Cape sites. According to the memorandum, the comments received from the communities of Savoonga and Gambell will be useful in conducting proposed biological sampling. Of particular interest was the communities' input regarding the choice of a control stream. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 97
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 97, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 6
Document Title: USACE Letter Montgomery Watson Memo Fish Tissue Sampling, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montomgery Watson, ATSDR, ENRI
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) to the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (Susan Moore) encloses a Montgomery Watson memorandum concerning fish tissue sampling from two streams in or near the Northeast Cape Site. Jackson also informs Moore that a detailed report concerning this year's overall field activity will also be submitted within the next few weeks. In the attached memorandum, the Environment and Natural Resources Institute (Lisa Houston) informs Montgomery Watson (Gary Busse) that fish from nearby waterbodies should also be tested. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 98
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 98, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 7
Document Title: USACE Transmittal Letter Montgomery Watson Fish Tissue Sampling, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montomgery Watson, ATSDR
Document Summary:
This memorandum from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotions and Preventive Medicine encloses a copy of a transmital letter to the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry of Montgomery Watson's results of fish tissue analyses for Northeast Cape. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 99
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 99, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District (Richard Jackson), to the Alaska Department of Conservation (Jeff Brownlee) informs that the final Remedial Investigation report for Northeast Cape, as well as comments and responses to the draft, are enclosed. The final report is not included in the letter. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 100
UPLOADED 11 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 100, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 5
Document Title: USACE 1999 Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC, ATSDR
Document Summary:
These two letters from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) to Alaska Department of Conservation (Jeff Brownlee) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (Susan Moore) request review and comment for the 1999 Phase II Remedial Investigation draft report for Northeast Cape. Jackson also informs that the Final Work Plan Addendum for the Remedial Investigation is enclosed. The addendum is not included in the either letter. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 101
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 101, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Draft 1999 Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ATSDR
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) to the Agency for Toxic Susbstances and Disease Registry (Susan Moore) forwards a copy of the Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation and Final Work Plan Addendum for Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska to the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. These draft reports are not included with the letter.These documents were also provided to tribal councils, municipal governments, and village corporations to Savoonga and Gambell. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 102
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 102, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Draft Work Plan 2000 Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) to the Alaska Department of Conservation (Jeff Brownlee) encloses and requests written comments for the Draft Work Plan for the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study of Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The Draft Work Plan is not included with the letter. A review conference for the report is scheduled for the next month. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 103
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 103, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 2
Document Title: ADEC Preliminary Comments 2000 Draft Work Plan Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: ADEC, USACE, ATSDR
Document Summary:
This Alaska Department of Conservation (Jeff Brownlee) letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District (Richard Jackson) requests additional time to review and provide comments for Draft Work Plan, 2000 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for Northeast Cape. ADEC requests the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study be delayed until 2001 or be conducted via a phased-approach cleanup. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 104
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 104, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 1
Document Title: EPA St. Lawrence Island Reports Email
Agency/Organization: EPA, USACE
Document Summary:
This email from the Environmental Protection Agency (Ely Kahn) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) requests to review USACE reports on St. Lawrence Island including the Dolly Varden and PCB contamination near the communities of Gambell and Savoonga. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 105
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 105, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 3
Document Title: ADEC Preliminary Comments 2000 Draft Work Plan Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: ADEC, USACE
Document Summary:
This letter from the Alaska Department of Conservation (Jeff Brownlee) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) expresses ADEC's concerns about the limited schedule for review and implementation of the Draft Work Plan, 2000 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for Northeast Cape. ADEC requests the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study be delayed until 2001 or be conducted via a phased-approach cleanup. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 106
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 106, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Review Extension Draft Work Plan 2000 Remedial investigation Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) to Alaska Department of Conservation (Jeff Brownlee) confirms that the USACE will extend the review period for the Draft Work Plan, 2000 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for Northeast Cape to allow for incorporation of ADEC's comments and for field work to take place. USACE also confirms that the review meeting for comments will be rescheduled to a later date. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 107
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 107, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 21
Document Title: Montgomery Watson Comments 2000 Draft Work Plan Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson, USACE
Document Summary:
This letter from Montgomery Watson (Gary Busse) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) contains Montgomery Watson's responses to review comments received on the Draft Work Plan, 2000 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for Northeast Cape for portions of the Work Plan that pertain to the sampling of building materials for asbestos, lead, and PCBs. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 108
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 108, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 1
Document Title: ATSDR Health Consultation Report, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: ATSDR, USACE
Document Summary:
This letter from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (Max M. Howie Jr.) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) informs the recipient that enclosed is a copy of the health consultation report for Northeast Cape for fish consumption safety from the Suqitughneq River, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The report is not included with the letter. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 109
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 109, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 5
Document Title: Alaska State Historic Preservation Office Comments, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Alaska State Historic Preservation Office, PJK Architects
Document Summary:
This form includes the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office's comments for the Historic Architectural Recordation at Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The comments have been drafted by PJK Architects. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 110
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 110, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 1
Document Title: USACE Biological Sampling Plan 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: USACE, ADEC
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Richard Jackson) to the Alaska Department of Conservation (Stephanie Pingree) informs the recipient that enclosed is the final version of the Biological Sampling Plan, 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation for Northeast Cape which outlines the procedures used for fish and edible plant sampling at the site.The Remedial Investigation is not included with the letter. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 111
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 111, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Biological Sampling Plan, 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Northeast Cape Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS)
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency encloses the final document of the Biological Sampling Plan, 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation, which outlines the procedures used for sampling of fish and edible plants as part of the remedial investigation and risk assessment activities at the site. The document was developed with input from the community and other stakeholders. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 112
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 112, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Biological Sampling Plan, 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry encloses the final document of the Biological Sampling Plan, 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation, which outlines the procedures used for sampling fish and edible plants as part of the remedial investigation and risk assessment activities of the site. The document was developed with input from the community and other stakeholders. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 113
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 113, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: 'Biological Sampling Plan, 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry encloses the final document of the Biological Sampling Plan, 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation, which outlines the procedures used for sampling fish and edible plants as part of the remedial investigation and risk assessment activities of the site. The document was developed with input from the community and other stakeholders. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 114
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 114, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 4
Document Title: Risk Assessment Workplan, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Alaska Deapartment of Environmental Conservation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Enginners to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation encloses the draft document enitled 'Risk Assessment Workplan, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska', which outlines the methods and assumptions to be used in evaluating human health and ecological risks during preparation of the Phase III Remedial Invetigation for the site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 115
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 115, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry encloses the document entitled 'Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska'; the document presents laboratory analytical date from sampling activities that took place during the 2001 field season. In the letter, a note of caution is advised in the use of this data until it has been reviewed by an independent data reviewer. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 116
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 116, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency encloses the document entitled 'Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska'; the document presents laboratory analytical data from sampling activities that took place during the 2001 field season. In the letter, a note of caution is advised in the use of this data until it has been reviewed by an independent data reviewer. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 117
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 117, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency encloses the document entitled 'Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska'; the document presents laboratory analytical data from sampling activities that took place during the 2001 field season. In the letter, a note of caution is advised in the use of this data until it has been reviewed by an independent data reviewer. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 118
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 118, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Alaska Department of Conservation encloses the document entitled 'Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska'; the document presents laboratory analytical data from sampling activities that took place during the 2001 field season. In the letter, a note of caution is advised in the use of this data until it has been reviewed by an independent data reviewer. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 119
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 119, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Alaska Department of Conservation encloses the document entitled 'Site Characterization Technical Memorandum, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska'; the document presents laboratory analytical data from sampling activities that took place during the 2001 field season. In the letter, a note of caution is advised in the use of this data until it has been reviewed by an independent data reviewer. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 120
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 120, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Appendix C of the Risk Assessment Workplan (October 2001), Site Characterization Technical Memorandum (November 2001), draft Phase III Remedial Investigation Report (draft email from Lisa Geist to Richard Jackson)
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This email from Lisa Geist to Richard Jackson is a response to questions around the testing of fish in the Suqitugnhneq River. The email states that Appendix C of the draf Risk Assessment Workplan (October 2001) contains a trip report on the fish data collection effort and contains the following: the size of the fish collected, where they were collected, and the methods used to collect them. The collection of fish tissue samples were analyzed for PCBs, PAHs, and metals. The data results from this testing (preliminary data) are summarized in the Site Characterization Technical Memorandum (November 2001). It's advised that the results contained therein should be used with caution since an independent data review has not yet occurred. Additonal data is to be expected from other samples. The email cites additonal catch locations and testing methods of other fish as well as a survery of people's eating habits and locations. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 121
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 121, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 2
Document Title: NEC Final Work Plan and Risk Assessment Email
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This email from Kendra Zamzow to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers raises questions around the quality, thoroughness and scope of testing in the Northeast Cape area. It is advised that after final cleanup of the site, downstream testing needs to be conducted to ensure that contaminants have not been redistributed downstream. Concerns were also raised around levels of "natural" arsenic found in sediment samples in the tundra and that we should err on the side of safety when making risk assessments. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 122
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 122, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Risk Assessment Workplan, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation encloses the final document entitled 'Risk Assessment Workplan, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska', which outlines the methods and assumptions to be used in evaluating human health and ecological risks during prepatation of the Phase III Remedial Investigation Report for Northeast Cape. It is stated that the document was "developed and revised based on substantial input from the community and other stakeholders." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 123
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 123, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Dept. of Environmental Conservation Letter to Colonel Perrenot
Agency/Organization: Department of Environmental Conservation (Division of Spill Prevention and Response Contaminated Sites Remediation Program)
Document Summary:
This letter from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (Jennifer Roberts) to Colonel Perrenot addresses concerns that stakeholders have around the adequacy of the investigation of the site and that concerns/comments are not being properly considered. This letter addresses the community's request to have the EPA re-evaluate the site for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL), to which Jennifer Roberts finds unnecessary and would delay cleanup acitivies. Jennifer references opportunities in which the community and other stakeholders were involved for several years to guide this process. It is recommended that the following be completed: the remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS), a Proposed Plan be developed for public review and comment, and a Record of Decision be completed prior to final cleanup actions. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 124
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 124, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 2
Document Title: MWH Letter to the Department of the Army
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson Harza, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter from MWH to USACE addresses concerns raised around the timeliness of reports that were to be delivered from MWH. The letter, addressed to Carey Cossaboom, provides transparency as to why reports were delayed and what caused those delays, with logistical and technical issues being cited. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 125
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 125, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Northeast Cape Sites - Final Report, GIS-Based Historical Photographic Analysis
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
This letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation encloses a copy of the final document entitled "Northeast Cape Sites - Final Report, GIS-Based HIstorical Photographic Analysis" which was prepated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center, Topographic Engineering Center, dated August 2001. The document enclosed gives a visual overview of the Northeast Cape site through time, based on a careful examination of historical aerial photography, satellite imagery, maps, and ancillary textual documentation. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 126
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 126, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Sampling and Analysis Plan, Environmental Protection Plan
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
This letter encloses Revision 0 of the Sampling and Analysis Plan and Environmental Protection Plan documents. It is requested to have comments on these documents submitted by December 30, 2002. After a review conference, a Draft Final will be issued for comments and review by a broader audience. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 127
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 127, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Draft Final Summary Report, Phase III Remedial INvestigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter encloses a CD-ROM copy of the document entitled "Draft Final Summary Report, Phase III Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska" Also enclosed are color hard copies of all Figures from the report, which contains the results of additional fish tissue sampling that was conducted at the site during the summer of 2001. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 128
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 128, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2003
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Technical Memorandum
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
This letter encloses a copy of the documents entitled Technical Memorandum which was prepared by MWH Americas, Inc., regarding the MWH Risk Assessment that was performed at the site location. The letter invites input from Jeff Brownlee on the methodology used and results received before MWH proceeds to use these numbers in the Risk Assessment. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 129
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 129, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2003
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Technical Memorandum on Background Determination for Risk Assessment
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
This letter encloses an updated version of the document entitled Technical Memorandum on Background Determination for Risk Assessment which was prepared by MWH Americas, Inc. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 130
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 130, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2004
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Letter from USACE to S&W
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shannon & Wilson
Document Summary:
This letter from USACE to S&W addresses roadblocks encountered during the testing of water quality of an aquifer at the site area. USACE, Alaska District questions S&W's termination of efforts to complete the drilling of the deep well. S&W raised concerns about cross-contamination of shallow water with a deeper aquifer, but tests show that no contamination occurred, leaving questions as to why the deeper hole was not drilled by S&W. Separately, during initial contract negotiations, USACE and S&W agreed to hire someone from the local community to protect the crew from the threat of polar bears. Later on, S&W had chosen not to hire the bear guard. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 131
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 131, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2004
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Review Comment Document for the Draft Work Plan by S&W, Phase IV Remedial Investigation Project
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shannon & Wilson
Document Summary:
The document (table) contains comments/questions from USACE around the scope, sample collection methods, and other procedures around evaluating the level of contamination at the site. Responses to the comments/questions are provided by Randy Hessong of Shannon & Wilson. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 132
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 132, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2004
Page(s): 7
Document Title: Review Comment Document for the Draft Work Plan by S&W, Northeast Cape RI--Phase IV Remedial Investigation Project
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shannon & Wilson
Document Summary:
The document (table) contains comments/questions from USACE around the scope, sample collection methods, and other procedures around evaluating the level of contamination at the site. Responses to the comments/questions are provided by Randy Hessong of Shannon & Wilson. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 133
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 133, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2004
Page(s): 8
Document Title: Review Comment Document for the Draft Work Plan by S&W--Phase IV Remedial Investigation Project
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shannon & Wilson
Document Summary:
The document (table) contains comments/questions from USACE around the scope, sample collection methods, and other procedures around evaluating the level of contamination at the site. Responses to the comments/questions are provided by Randy Hessong of Shannon & Wilson. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 134
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 134, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2004
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Response to Comments on Draft Work Plan, Phase IV Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shannon & Wilson
Document Summary:
This letter from Shannon & Wilson notifies Carey Cossaboom that S&W has prepared responses to the comments received from USACE regarding the Draft Work Plan for the Phase IV Remedial Investigation of the site area. The responses are included as an attachment to this letter. S&W addresses questions/concerns raised around the scope of the work that was done, stating that "S&W was not involved in the prepartion of the scope of the work or the review of the previous investigation results." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 135
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 135, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2004
Page(s): 3
Document Title: Review Comments Document Regarding the Draft Work Plan May 2004
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This document contains comments by the USACE pertaining to the Draft Work Plan May 2004 Document, which dealt with the Focused Remedial Investigation Former Yakutat Air Force Base project. The comments are mainly concerned with the sampling of soil, water, and marine organisms in order to measure chemicals like lead and dioxins. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 136
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 136, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2004
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Review Comment Document for the Phase IV Remedial Investigation Draft Work Plan (S&W 2004)
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shannon & Wilson
Document Summary:
This document contains comments made by the USACE pertaining to the Draft Work Plan (S&W 2004) for the Phase IV Remedial Investigation project at the site. The comments mainly ask for explanations or make requests around the protocol, scope, and the collection of samples at the site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 137
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 137, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2006
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Fax message from Jerald M. Reichlin of FORTIER & MIKKO, P.C. to Jeff Brownlee of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Agency/Organization: Fortier & Mikko, P.C., Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Document Summary:
This letter from Jerald M. Reichlin of the law firm Fortier & Mikko, P.C. to Jeff Brownlee of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation raises questions around the findings of the USACE's testing of contaminants of the Northeast Cape area. The finding that the contaminants found in the site area are deemed "biogenic in origin" is called into question and raises some serious doubts as to the throughness and quality of the measurements, protocols, and overall science done to measure contamination. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 138
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 138, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2006
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Email from Jeff Chiarenzelli to Carey Cossaboom Re: Testing of Spilled Hydrocarbons
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This email from Jeff Chiarenzelli raises concerns around contamination found at the site being labeled of "biogenic origin" based on the samples collected and analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons in the Northeast Cape Phase IV Remedial Investigation report. Jeff asks for reassessment of the origin of the hydrocarbons and explains that defining hydrocarbons of biogenic origin or petrogenic origin will determine how characterization and cleanup of the site will proceed. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 139
UPLOADED 12 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 139, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2006
Page(s): 8
Document Title: Zhendi Wang's Opinion on "Origins of Hydrocarbons: Northeast Cape (St. Lawrence Island) Petroleum Spill"
Agency/Organization: Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada
Document Summary:
This opinion from Zhendi Wang regarding the site area draws three conclusions: "1. That the majority of hydrocarbons in sediment samples are petrogenic hydrocarbons. 2. Biogenic compounds may be present in spill samples and this should be confirmed by a well-designed analytical approach. There are no defensible fingerprinting evidences, however, to support the suggestion that majority of compounds found in the spill samples are of biogenic origin. 3. Input of pyrogenic hydrocarbons should be confirmed by additional characterizations as described above." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 140
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 140, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2006
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Email Correspondence from Ron Scrudato to Lisa Geist
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Document Summary:
This email from Ron Scrudato to Lisa Geist addresses concerns around the inadequacy of testing at the site, particularly with contamination being classified as biogenic or petrogenic in origin. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 141
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 141, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2006
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Earl L. Crapps Email Response to Zhendi Wang's Opinion Comments
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ADEC SPAR
Document Summary:
This email message from Earl L. Crapps to Jeff Brownleee is a response to the opinion comments provided by Dr. Zhendi Wang. Much of this message is in disagreement with the findings and comments of Dr. Wang. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 142
UPLOADED 15 October 2024 -
ACAT FOIA Repository 143
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 143, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2005
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Email Correspondence Between Carey Cossaboom and Julie Sharp-Dahl
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shannon & Wilson
Document Summary:
This letter from John Spielman of Shannon & Wilson to Carey Cossaboom offers an explanation as to why Shannon & Wilson decided to terminate the well at Site 26 before reaching the deep aquifer and not hire a local resident for bear protection. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 144
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 144, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2005
Page(s): 4
Document Title: Letter from Ron Scrudato/Jeff Chiarenzelli to Jerald Reichlin
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fortier & Mikko, P.C.
Document Summary:
This letter from Ron Scrudato and Jeff Chiarenzelli to Jerald Reichlin addresses the determination that contaminants found at the site as being of biogenic origin. Ron and Jeff question this determination, expressing that the processes used and test results lack credibility. They counter Shannon & Wilson's argument that it is difficult to determine whether contaminants are of biogenic or petrogenic origin with the fact that "numerous powerful analytical and statistical tools are now available to help distinguish between biogenic and petroleum hydrocarbons, none of which were employed by the Corps' consultant". -
ACAT FOIA Repository 145
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 145, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2005
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Defense ADEC comments on Phase IV Investigation
Agency/Organization: ADEC, USACE
Document Summary:
This relays seven specific comments and a suggestion for the report for the Phase IV Investigation. Comments include asking USACE to discuss the possible origins of benzene in samples with only biogenic petroleum, questions about how human waste was handled at the camp, and questions about soils with known PCB contamination being regraded. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 146
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 146, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2006
Page(s): 2
Document Title: ADEC Brownlee letter to Reichlin
Agency/Organization: ADEC, USACE
Document Summary:
This letter is in response to outreach by Reichlin, a lawyer at Fortier and Mikko, to ADEC. Of interest, the letter indicates Brownlee's expectation that the clean up levels at the Northeast Cape will likely be "a combination of default residential and risk based levels" due to the complexity of the site, and will be stipulated in the Proposed Plan. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 147
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 147, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2006
Page(s): 1
Document Title: ADEC comments on 2005 Northeast Cape Interim Removal Action Report
Agency/Organization: ADEC, USACE
Document Summary:
This letter asks USACE to propose a strategy for approaching remaining environmental concerns at the Northeast Cape such as drums and PCB-contaminated soils at Site 7 that hadn't met cleanup levels yet. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 148
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 148, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1994
Page(s): 8
Document Title: DMontgomery Watson investigation derived waste plan
Agency/Organization: ADEC, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This fax from Montgomery Watson to ADEC details the plan for addressing Investigation Derived Waste (IDW) during the investigation phases at the Northeast Cape and Gambell FUDS sites. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 149
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 149, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1997
Page(s): 18
Document Title: ADEC Review of Draft Phase II Risk Assessment at Gambell
Agency/Organization: ADEC, USACE
Document Summary:
This letter details several significant ADEC concerns about the Phase II investigation, notably that "Ecological risks appear to have been overlooked during the selection of sites to be evaluated in the Phase II RI/PS." -
ACAT FOIA Repository 150
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 150, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry
Document Summary:
Enclosed in this letter is a copy of the final report entitled "Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska," dated August 1999. The letter states the following: This is the report covering 1996 and 1998 field work at this Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS). The report is forwarded to be used in performing a health assessment for residents of St. Lawrence Island. A supplemental report covering field activity for 1999 will be submitted within a few weeks. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 151
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 151, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Final Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry
Document Summary:
Enclosed in this memorandum is a copy of the report entitled "Final Phase II Remedial Investigation, Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, August 1999. This memorandum also states the following: This report has also been forwarded to the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry for their use in performing a health assessment for Saint Lawrence Island residents. The transmittal letter is also included here. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 152
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 152, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1994
Page(s): 5
Document Title: Montgomery Watson Letter to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Document Summary:
This letter summarizes understandings of decisions and clarifications regarding the St. Lawrence Island Site Investigations discussed at the June 7, 1994 meeting held at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District office. The letter contains a table with the list of issues along with their resolutions. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 153
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 153, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Draft 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation and Risk Assessment Update for Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Parks Service
Document Summary:
This letter contains copies of comments to the Draft 2001 Phase III Remedial Investigation and Risk Assessment Update for Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, dated August 2002. The comments are from the ADEC, RAB members Pam Miller and June Martin, and from the TAPP grant provider, Dr. Ron Scrudato. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 154
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 154, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1995
Page(s): 2
Document Title: Letter from Douglas R. Blaisdell to Calvin E. West
Agency/Organization: Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This letter from Douglas R. Blaisdell to Calvin E. West expresses appreciation for the "exceptional performance" of Montgomery Watson staff in completing the remedial investigation of the four Kodiak sites and the two St. Lawrence Island sites. All of the projects were "completed on time, without modification, and under the contracted amount". A Mr. Victor Harris was given special credit for his "outstanding job" in "coordinating...staff's efforts to provide the Alaska District with exceptional Final Remedial Investigation reports on these sites". -
ACAT FOIA Repository 155
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 155, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 1
Document Title: Letter from Guy R. McConnell to Judith Bittner
Agency/Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer
Document Summary:
This letter from USACE to the State Historic Preservation Officer encloses forms and photographs for the Upper Tram Camp at Northeast Cape on Saint Lawrence Island to meet stipulations I.A.1. and I.A.3. of the Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding the Environmentl Restoration of the Hoonah and Northeast Cape White Alice Communication Systems (WACS) Sites, Alaska, under the Formerly Used Defense Sites Program (MOA). -
ACAT FOIA Repository 156
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 156, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 15
Document Title: Review of Draft Work Plan--Draft 1 2000/2001 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
Agency/Organization: R&M Technologies, Inc.
Document Summary:
This document details the remediation plan for Northeast Cape. It begins by detailing the general process for environmental remediation at any site of contamination, and then becomes more specific to this location as the document goes on. The plan then details the objectives of the remediation project, and ends with recommendations for the remediation process. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 157
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 157, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 2
Document Title: USACE Letter to ACAT Addressing Report Delivery Timeliness
Agency/Organization: USACE, ACAT, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This letter from USACE addresses ACAT's complaints about delayed reports from Montgomery Watson Harza (MWH). The FUDS project manager expresses understanding of ACAT's concerns, while reiterating that the USACE itself is not unhappy with the timeliness of MWH's reports. The letter ends with the author offering to meet the recipient, Bonnie McLean, to discuss the issue further. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 158
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 158, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1995
Page(s): 1371
Document Title: 1995 Remedial Investigation Volume I- Report
Agency/Organization: USACE
Document Summary:
This report presents the results of the remedial investigation (RI) studies performed at Northeast Cape. There were twenty-four sites investigated, with various contaminants of concern detected at levels above the benchmark criteria at several of them. The report details the areas of investigation, the sampling methods and procedures, and the findings and conclusions at each site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 159
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 159, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1995
Page(s): 1371
Document Title: 1995 Remedial Investigation Volume I- Report
Agency/Organization: USACE
Document Summary:
This report presents the results of the remedial investigation (RI) studies performed at Northeast Cape. There were twenty-four sites investigated, with various contaminants of concern detected at levels above the benchmark criteria at several of them. The report details the areas of investigation, the sampling methods and procedures, and the findings and conclusions at each site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 160
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 160, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1999
Page(s): 956
Document Title: Final Phase II Remedial Investigation
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This report presents the results of Montgomery Watson's Phase II remedial investigation (RI) at Northeast Cape, which analyzed 29 sites at Northeast Cape as a step to advance remedial efforts. It involved data collection and surveying, evaluation of extent of contamination, and recommendations for remedial action. The report details each of the steps of the RI in various different sections, and provides the reader a clear idea of the goal of the RI, what it accomplished, and the next steps for the Northeast Cape site. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 161
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 161, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 325
Document Title: Final Phase II Remedial Investigation Report Addendum 1999 Fieldwork
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document is a supplement to the Phase II Northeast Cape remedial investigation (RI) report, and provides information on the environmental status of various sites at Northeast Cape. Furthermore, this report resolves data gaps resulting from the previous Phase II RI work; it details specific data collected at specific sites, which was left out from the previous RI, thus providing a fuller picture of the environmental state at Northeast Cape and which remedial actionos should be taken. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 162
UPLOADED 24 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 162, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2001
Page(s): 280
Document Title: Site Characterization Technical Memorandum Phase III Remedial Investigation
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This memorandum provides a summary of the work and analytical results of the Phase III remedial investigation (RI) performed by Montgomery Watson at Northeast Cape in 2001. The RI consisted of collection and analysis of soil, sediment, water, plant tissue, and fish tissue samples and data. The objectives of the RI included determining the extent of contamination, updating human and ecological health risk assessments, and determining alternate or risk-based cleanup levels at Northeast Cape. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 163
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 163, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 163
Document Title: Site Characterization Technical Memorandum 2002 Phase III Remedial Investigation Sites 13, 15, 19, 27, and 22
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This memorandum provides a summary of the work and analytical results of the Phase III remedial investigation (RI) performed by Montgomery Watson at Northeast Cape in 2002. This work from this year is specific to five sites in the area located in the main operations complex and the water wells and water supply building. The sampling and data collection mainly consist of soil and groundwater samplings from 20 soil borings and monitoring wells. The objectives of the 2002 RI work included determining the extent of contamination, determining the impact of a utilidor on surrounding soil, determining the depth to an aquifer, performing a hydrologic characterization study, and updating human health and ecological risk assessments. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 164
UPLOADED 15 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 164, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2003
Page(s): 1721
Document Title: Phase III Remedial Investigation Summary Report
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document presents the findings of the Phase III remedial investigation (RI) at Northeast Cape. It includes a project description and history of Northeast Cape; investigation objectives, activities, and results; conclusions and recommendations; and references. It also includes two volumes of appendices with field notes, checklists, photographs, data tables, sampling reports, and more. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 165
UPLOADED 16 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 165, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2003
Page(s): 128
Document Title: Summary Report Phase III Remedial Investigation
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This report summarizes the Phase III remedial investigation (RI) performed by Montgomery Watson at Northeast Cape. The document details how the RI's goals were to adequately define the extent of contamination and to investigate the White Alice Communication System (WACS), which both weren't extensively understood through previous investigations. The Phase III RI achieved its goals through collecting soil, sediment, surface water, groundwater, fish tissue, and plant tissue samples at Northeast Cape installation sites. It gained a better understanding of contamination, hydrologic characterization, and human health and ecological risk. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 166
UPLOADED 16 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 166, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 945
Document Title: Summary Report Phase III Remedial Investigation Volume I: Appendices A through D
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document contains Appendices A through D from the summary report of Montgomery Watson's Phase III remedial investigation (RI) at Northeast Cape. These appendices contain field notes and field note forms (A); sample plan checklist, chain-of-custody forms and lab receipts (B); field photographs (C); and analytical data tables (D) from the Phase III RI. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 167
UPLOADED 16 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 167, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 648
Document Title: Summary Report Phase III Remedial Investigation Volume II: Appendices E through K
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document contains Appendices E through K from the summary report of Montgomery Watson's Phase III remedial investigation (RI) at Northeast Cape. These appendices contain a chemical data quality review (E); a quality assurance/quality control report (F); a USACE trip report- biological sampling (G); site survey data (H); a geotechnical lab test report (I); an environment and natural resources institute taxonomic report (plant report) (J); and an estimate of contaminated soil volume (K) from the Phase III RI. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 168
UPLOADED 16 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 168, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 325
Document Title: Final Phase II Remedial Investigation Report Addendum 1999 Fieldwork
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document is a supplement to the Phase II Northeast Cape RI report by providing information on the environmental status of various sites at Northeast Cape. Furthermore, this report resolves data gaps resulting from the previous Phase II RI work; it details specific data collected at specific sites, which was left out from the previous RI, thus providing a fuller picture of the environmental state at Northeast Cape and which remedial actions should be taken. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 169
UPLOADED 16 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 169, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2000
Page(s): 325
Document Title: Final Phase II Remedial Investigation Report Addendum 1999 Fieldwork
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document is a supplement to the Phase II Northeast Cape RI report by providing information on the environmental status of various sites at Northeast Cape. Furthermore, this report resolves data gaps resulting from the previous Phase II RI work; it details specific data collected at specific sites, which was left out from the previous RI, thus providing a fuller picture of the environmental state at Northeast Cape and what remedial actionos should be taken. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 170
UPLOADED 16 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 170, Date Received February 2024
Year: 1996
Page(s): 200
Document Title: Phase II Remedial Investigation Photographs
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document includes photographs from Montgomery Watson's Phase II Remedial Investigation in Gambell. The photos included are from Gambell; North Beach; Trooutman Lake, Site 1; Site 2; Site 3/1; Site 4; Site 4- Transformers; Site 5; Infiltration Gallery; Geophysical Survey; Radiological Survey; and Miscellaneous. They range from aeriel photographs to landscapes to closeups of people and sites of interest. -
ACAT FOIA Repository 171
UPLOADED 16 October 2024Document: ACAT FOIA Repository 171, Date Received February 2024
Year: 2002
Page(s): 941
Document Title: Phase III Remedial Investigation Summary Report- Volume I: Appendices A through D
Agency/Organization: USACE, Montgomery Watson
Document Summary:
This document contains Appendices A through D from the summary report of Montgomery Watson's Phase III remedial investigation (RI) at Northeast Cape. These appendices contain field notes and field note forms (A); sample plan checklist, chain-of-custody forms and lab receipts (B); field photographs (C); and analytical data tables (D) from the Phase III RI.